Thank you for Registering! Please submit payment below for number of players registered, and sponsorship opportunities! If you prefer to pay by check, please mail to:
Golf TLC
14611 Clay St
Broomfield CO 80023
Golf TLC
14611 Clay St
Broomfield CO 80023
Littleton Khaos 10 U Golf Tournament One PlayerThis is good for one player registration for the Colorado Khaos Golf Tournament. This includes golf, range balls, prizes, dinner and FUN!
Littleton Khaos 10 U Golf Tournament Two Player PaymentThis is good for a two player registration for the Colorado Khaos Golf Tournament. This includes golf, range balls, prizes, dinner and FUN!
Littleton Khaos 10 U Golf Tournament Three Player PaymentThis is good for three players for the Colorado Khaos Golf Tournament. This includes golf, range balls, prizes, dinner and FUN!
Littleton Khaos 10 U Mulligan Package
Feeling Rusty? Get 5 Mulligans for only $20! "FORE!"
Sponsorship Opportunities
Thank you for considering to be a sponsor! Please fill out the sponsor form below. If paying by credit, please submit payment below.
Littleton Khaos 10 U PLATINUM SponsorThe Platinum sponsor includes your logo on a welcome banner, your logo on all email blasts to over 3500 Colorado Golfers, your logo on our event webpage, and a free foursome!
Littleton Khaos 10 U Hole in One Prize SponsorWe have 4 hole in one prizes. $10,000 cash, a TV an Apple IPad Mini and a Bluetooth Speaker. Have your logo on the Hole in One Prize Signs located on 4 holes!
Littleton Khaos 10 U Beverage Cart SponsorBe the business that the golfers are thanking all day long! This sponsorship includes a welcome banner at the event with your logo and drink tickets with your logo on them! The golfers will love your business every time the beverage cart comes around!
Littleton Khaos 10 U Hole SponsorAdvertise your business and help out our great cause! The hole sponsorship includes a sign at a select hole during the tournament with your logo and slogan. Get one before they are all gone!